
How can I connect with people?

To add contacts, you need to share your twinme invitation “twincode” with your contacts’ twinme application and have them accept it (or to accept theirs).

  • To invite a contact next to you, you should both open your twinme application and press the “+” icon at the top of the contacts tab. One then “Invite” the other to “Scan” its invitation QR-code, and accept the invitation. A new entry appears in your contact list with the name and image of the invitation profile your contact used to invite you. However, you and your contact are now paired in a unique way and you can change your image and name for that contact’s relation only.
  • In order to invite contacts remotely, you need to send them your twinme invitation url (the same that is represented by the QR-code used to invite “In-person”) by pressing the “Share” button on the “Invite” tab and picking one of the applications available on your device. When receiving your message, your contact needs to open the included url with their twinme application and accept your invitation.
  • Another way, to invite people you may not know yet, is to publish the url of your invitation “twincode” on a website, a business card, an email signature, etc. either literally or with its QR-code. Your “audience” will then be able to open the url, or scan the QR-code with their twinme application to become one of your contacts.
  • If, at any time, you reset the invitation code, it invalidates the current one and creates a new one. No one can get in touch with you using the “old” invitation code anymore. Already established relations are unaffected, and remain valid.